Nuno Góis
Full Stack Developer
I currently work as a Senior Full Stack Developer at Unleash.
Unleash is a feature flag management solution built with large enterprises in mind.
It is open source, private, secure, scalable, and trusted by developers all over the world.
A lot of my work is public on open-source GitHub repositories.
You can check some of my recent activity below, updated daily.
feat: traffic limits for enterprise-payg (#8596)
Unleash/unleashchore: add support for PAYG billing (#8582)
Unleash/unleashrework ruby build to use release artifacts and disable publish (#159)
Unleash/yggdrasilchore: update build on dotnet to use release artifacts (#158)
Unleash/yggdrasilchore: remove legacy domain entities and associated tests (#251)
Unleash/unleash-client-dotnetchore: bump unleash client to 6.1.2 (#8558)
Unleash/unleashchore: bump unleash client to 6.1.2 (#8558)
Unleash/unleashchore: drop strict check in semver in favor of checking it is valid (#671)
Unleash/unleash-client-nodechore: binary upload for ffi layer (#154)
Unleash/yggdrasilchore: drop experimental from new signal meta properties (#8553)
Unleash/unleashchore: event timeline GA (#8552)
Unleash/unleashchore: add deprecation warning to settable json serializer (#248)
Unleash/unleash-client-dotnettask(edge): Updated to 19.6.1 (#173)
Unleash/helm-chartsfix: context now dumps to JSON correctly (#212)
Unleash/unleash-client-rubychore: Unleash AI UX adjustments: placement, icon, color (#8521)
Unleash/unleashchore: add Plausible events to Unleash AI chat (#8494)
Unleash/unleashchore: Unleash AI chat UX bug fixes (#8488)
Unleash/unleashchore: add an initial disclaimer to Unleash AI (#8482)
Unleash/unleashchore: scroll-related UX adjustments in the Unleash AI chat (#8478)
Unleash/unleashAI Tutorial (#8297)