Nuno Góis
Full Stack Developer
I currently work as a Senior Full Stack Developer at Unleash.
Unleash is a feature flag management solution built with large enterprises in mind.
It is open source, private, secure, scalable, and trusted by developers all over the world.
A lot of my work is public on open-source GitHub repositories.
You can check some of my recent activity below, updated daily.
New repository: nunogois/unleash-react-native-demo
nunogois/unleash-react-native-demoNew repository: nunogois/unleash-react-native
nunogois/unleash-react-nativechore: improve release plan events and add them to event timeline (#8895)
Unleash/unleashchore: update release plans icon (#8894)
Unleash/unleashRevert "task: enabled in OSS." (#8892)
Unleash/unleashfix: permission button tooltip behavior (#8882)
Unleash/unleashchore: filter out milestone strategies in features_view (#8883)
Unleash/unleashchore: release plans small misc improvements (#8879)
Unleash/unleashchore: release template sidebar (#8871)
Unleash/unleashfeat: add variants to release plan template strategies (#8870)
Unleash/unleashchore: adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios (#8862)
Unleash/unleashtest: fix feature e2e test by checking flag name in a td instead of url (#8863)
Unleash/unleashfeat: release plan template strategy types, constraints, segments (#8861)
Unleash/unleashRevert "chore: adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios"
Unleash/unleashchore: adapt billing page to custom billing scenarios
Unleash/unleashchore: force os specific builds to actually run on the os they specify (#335)
Unleash/unleash-client-pythonchore(python): bump python version (#184)
Unleash/yggdrasilchore: release plans flow in flag environments (#8843)
Unleash/unleashdocs: add maintenance mode (#202)
Unleash/unleash-proxychore: milestone strategy tabs (#8851)